Unrecognized Credential Entry in "Windows PowerShell credential required" form


I opened a PowerShell session and typed in: $Credential = Get-Credential,

As I was about to enter my credentials, just out of curiosity I clicked on the down arrow in the User Name field and noticed an unrecognized entry.  The user name was " @@Stuff#-BTTB " where Stuff is a 22 character long alpha-numeric string; otherwise the same.

This user name doesn't appear in the Credential Manager.  OS is Windows 8.1.

Should I be worried?

What can I do to look into this further? 

Thanks in advance! 


Noticed the user name of a credential I had used recently didn't appear in the drop-down, so I was incorrect in thinking the list of user names reflected the history of user names used.  I am curious where these credentials (identifies(?)) are being pulled from though?

  • Edited by MSDN User 2 10 hours 15 minutes ago Amendment
April 28th, 2015 5:02pm

I have serveal working computers, out of curiosity, I ran the powershell cmd, and scroll down the listed username in the pop-up, I also find the similiar credentials @@....#...around the computers, but go through the credential manager and certificate manager and unable find the credential. I can make a promise that my system is not infected by some malware,so in my opinion, it should be created by the system itself without our notice, anyway, then system is to complex for us to understand, I just leave it there.

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April 29th, 2015 2:26am

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